Recreational Leagues Rules
- Employee League Rules (general)
- Basket Ball Recreational Leagues Rules
- Volleyball
- Soccer
- Ultimate Frisbee
Employee League Rules (general)
Basket Ball Recreational Leagues Rules
1. Only BISD Employees will be able to participate in the basketball league. Student teachers, UTB Students, spouses, retired employees and volunteers will NOT be allowed to participate in the basketball league.
2. Each player must have a release of liability and indemnification statement form signed and turned into the Wellness Coordinator one week prior to scheduled game. Players who do not turn in a liability statement form will NOT be allowed to participate.
3. A person has a playing right to his/her campus team first. If for some reason you do not want to play with your campus/department you may play on another team.
4. Signing in: All players have to sign in on the appropriate forms that will be provided. It will be located on the table as you enter the gym.
5. Team membership: You can only play on one team.
6. Forfeit of game: A. All players must arrive at the gym at least 10 minutes before a scheduled game. Failure to show up on time will be declared a forfeit. B. If a team does not have at least four (4) players by starting time, then the game will be declared a forfeit and the opposing team will be declared the winner.
7. Spectators/Children: It is recommended that no children be on the court when matches are being played. If no other arrangement can be made for these children, we must emphasize that they are seated in the bleachers at all times. Please keep the students off the court. To avoid accidents/injuries to players and spectators do not allow the children to bring personal playground balls/basketballs/equipment to the games.
8. Sportsmanship on the court: Un-sportsmanship behavior will not be tolerated. Fighting, pushing, scratching, and striking your opponent will not be allowed during the game. If this occurs your player will be dismissed for the remainder of the season. Use of profanity on the court during competition will not be allowed. Everyone must exercise positive sportsman like behavior while on the court.
9. As stated on the Standard of Code of Conduct in the Employee Handbook, ALL employees are expected to work together in a cooperative spirit to serve the best interests of the district and to be courteous to students, one another, and the public. Employees are expected to observe the following standards of conduct: A. Recognize and respect the rights of students, parents, other employees and members of the community. B. Participants engaged in any and all BISD. Wellness center activities and events are expected to use the upmost respect when addressing other participants.
10. All players: Must be on the team roster at least one week before the scheduled game. Team players will not be allowed to be added to the team roster on the day of a scheduled game.
11. Team roster must be typed.
12. Team members of disqualifying teams may not join another team during the basketball season.
13. Jewelry: Remove all jewelry, watches and bracelets, before you begin to play. This will eliminate being scratched during the game. Safety issue.
14. Only tennis shoes will be allowed on the gym floor.
15. Game Time: As specified on schedule, unless other arrangements are made by the Wellness Coordinator.
16. Each team is allowed 10 players and must consist of only BISD employees. Each player may play only on one team.
17. Please call the Wellness Office 698-0194 at least one day in advance if your team is unable to show up for a scheduled game, so we may be able to make other arrangements. There will be no make-up games.
18. Tournament: Season record will be used to determine placement of your team as far as your opponent and by positions. Tournament will be single elimination in which only winning team advances.
19. Team captain will be responsible for informing each team member of all rules governing the basketball league.
20. Substitutions: Substitutions can be made during a game at the discretion of the team captain.
21. Time outs: Two time outs are allowed for each team per half. Time limit for time out will be 1 minute.
22. Over Time: Time outs for tied games will be limited to 1.
23. Anybody caught kicking the basketball during a basketball game will be dismissed from the game and from participating in the league for the rest of the season.
24. A player shall not remain in the opponent’s restricted area for more than 3 consecutive seconds while his/her team is in control of a live ball.
25. Any player that commits unsportsmanlike conduct will be suspended from entering the Wellness Center
REMINDER: TEAM Captains are in charge. Team captains you will need to mediate and reach an agreement with the opposing team captain.
Length of game:
4 quarters of 8 minutes each
5 minutes half time rest
1 minute between quarters OR 2 - 20 minute halves with a 3 minute break in between
Free throw = 1 point
Inside the Arc = 2 points
Outside the Arc = 3 points
Substitutions: Substitutions may be made during “dead ball” situations provided the player(s) coming off the court are out of play and in the vicinity of the bench before any substitutions go on. (Remember, the clock does not stop)
Personal Fouls: Each player is allowed five personal fouls. One is expelled from further play upon gaining their fifth personal. There are no free throws awarded for the first six common personal fouls of each half for each team. Instead, this is treated as a violation with the offended team returning the ball to live action with an in-bound pass.
Scorers: Each team must have at least one person at the scorer’s desk at all times.
Jump Ball Procedure: Each jumper must have at least one foot on or inside the half of the jumping circle that is farthest from his/her own basket. The eight non-jumpers must remain entirely outside the circle until the ball has been tapped, but are entitled to alternate positions between opponents around the jumping circle. The Wellness Coordinator tosses the ball up between the jumpers to a height greater than either can jump. If it falls to the floor without being tapped by either jumper, the wellness coordinator will toss the ball again.
There are 4 things a jumper may not do:
-Leave the circle until the ball has been tapped
-Tap the tossed ball before it reaches its highest point
-Tap the ball more than twice
-Catch the ball himself
Out of Bounds: The ball is out of bounds when it or the player in possession touches anything or anybody on or outside a boundary. (including the ceiling and its equipment) When the ball becomes out of bounds by touching a player who is out of bounds, he is considered to have touched it last. When responsibility for the ball going out of bounds is in doubt, play is resumed by a jump between opponents involved. The ball is not out of bounds if it hits the edge of the backboard.
Throw-In: The player making the throw-in has five seconds to get the ball into play. He/She cannot leave the designed area, nor score a field goal from out of bounds, and opponents are restricted from harassing the efforts at a closer in order to put the ball in play.
Free Throw: the free thrower must make his throw within 10 seconds.
Floor Violations – It is a violation to:
a. Cause the ball to go out of bounds, or fail to observe the throw-in provisions.
b. Run (travel) with the ball, or kick it, except accidentally or strike the ball with the fist.
c. Cause the ball to enter the basket from below.
d. Dribble a second time(double-dribble) while ball is in one’s continuous possession.
e. Excessively swing arms or elbows even without contact.
f. Linger more than three seconds with both feet in one’s own free throw lane.
g. Fail to observe jump ball provisions.
h. Be guilty of basket interference (dunking) at own basket.
i. Fail to advance the ball from back court to front court within 10 seconds; or be the first to touch a ball that one’s own team has caused to go from front court to back court
j. Staling with the basketball for longer than 10 seconds without advancement toward the basket.
The instant a floor violation occurs, the ball becomes dead and is awarded to a nearby opponent for a throw-in at the out of bound spot nearest the violation. Personal Foul – A personal foul is simply anything that violates basketball’s no contact principle, as holding, pushing, tripping, charging into or physically impeding the progress of an opponent: even laying a hand on him/her, except as incidental contact (contact that takes place that is entirely incidental to an effort by an opponent to reach a loose ball or which takes place while the ball is dead, as after a score, and which is not flagrant is regarded as incidental contact, unless it places an opponent at a disadvantage, in which case it is an unsportsmanlike foul.)
Personal Foul Penalties:
a. One free throw for a common (except player control) foul
b. Two free throws for a foul against a field goal thrower whose try fails, or for an intentional or flagrant foul.
1. Only BISD Employees will be allowed to participate in BISD Wellness Leagues. Substitutes, spouses or retired employees will not be allowed to participate.
2. Each player must have a signed release of liability and indemnification statement form turned in to the Wellness Department prior to participating. If form is not signed and turned in the team member cannot play.
3. Each School and/or Department can have more than one team.
4. Each player can only play on one team.
5. If team is disqualified, team members are not allowed to join another team during the season.
6. A minimum of 8 players per team roster is required. This is to prevent forfeits.
7. Team rosters must be turned in to the Wellness Coordinator before games begin. Rosters need to be typed not handwritten.
8. All players must be on a team roster one week prior to the game. Players can continue to be added until said deadline given by Wellness Coordinator.
9. Players must remove all jewelry prior to the game. This is for safety issues.
10. Only tennis shoes and proper workout attire will be allowed on the gym floor.
11. Spectators will be allowed to watch the games.
12. All spectators must remain seated at all times.
13. Children may not be playing or running around the gym while the games are in play. This is to prevent accidents.
14. Children are not allowed to bring outside balls or toys.
15. BISD Wellness Center is not liable for any injuries that might occur to unseated and unsupervised children, before, during or after league games.
16. BISD Wellness Coordinator reserves the right to dismiss any person who does not comply with spectator rules.
17. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. No fighting, taunting, pushing, scratching, profanity, or striking an opponent. No profanity.
18. Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in ejection from gym permanently.
19. If any disagreements arise during a game, team captains should take the initiative to resolve the problem.
20. Perimeter of gym is outside line.
21. You cannot wait in basketball key more than 5 seconds to guard the goal net.
22. Games will be played 20-minute halves with 5- minute break in between.
23. You cannot score at half court. Midline must be fully crossed.
24. Must be outside basketball key to score. Not inside the green.
25. Ball must be thrown in not kicked in.
26. Referees for tournament game only.
27. Shirts must be same color or vests will be provided by Wellness Coordinator.
28. 3 on 3
29. No Goalie.
30. When you make 1 foul you can shoot from foul and there could be a person blocking from 5 feet back.
31. Mano foul inside green, penalty kick from middle no one blocks goalie.
32. Yellow card out for 1st or 2nd half depending when received.
33. Red card out for the tournament play and no replacement. May or may not be allowed to play indoor soccer in the future.
Ultimate Frisbee
BISD Wellness Fitness Center
1. Only BISD Employees will be allowed to participate in BISD Wellness Leagues. Substitutes, spouses or retired employees will not be allowed to participate.
2. Each player must have a signed release of liability and indemnification statement form turned in to the Wellness Department prior to participating. If form is not signed and turned in the team member cannot play.
3. Each School and/or Department can have more than one team.
4. Each player can only play on one team.
5. If team is disqualified, team members are not allowed to join another team during the season.
6. A minimum of 7 players per team roster is required. This is to prevent forfeits.
7. Team rosters must be turned in to the Wellness Coordinator before games begin. Rosters need to be typed not handwritten.
8. All players must be on a team roster one week prior to the game. Players can continue to be added until said deadline given by Wellness Coordinator.
9. Players must remove all jewelry prior to the game. This is for safety issues.
10. Only tennis shoes and proper workout attire will be allowed on the gym floor.
11. Spectators will be allowed to watch the games.
12. All spectators must remain seated at all times.
13. Children may not be playing or running around the gym while the games are in play. This is to prevent accidents.
14. Children are not allowed to bring outside balls or toys.
15. BISD Wellness Center is not liable for any injuries that might occur to unseated and unsupervised children, before, during or after league games.
16. BISD Wellness Coordinator reserves the right to dismiss any person who does not comply with spectator rules.
17. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. No fighting, taunting, pushing, scratching, profanity, or striking an opponent. No profanity.
18. Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in ejection from gym permanently.
19. If any disagreements arise during a game, team captains should take the initiative to resolve the problem.
Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact disc sport played by two team of four players with the objective of scoring goals. A goal is scored when a player catches the disc in the end zone that player is attacking. A player may not run while holding the disc. The disc is advanced by passing it to other players. The disc may be passed in any direction. If a pass is incomplete (i.e. hits the ground, is caught out-of-bounds, or is intercepted by a defensive player) a turnover occurs, resulting in an immediate change of team in possession of the disc. An attempt to unfairly disadvantage an opponent through physical contact is a foul. The player who was fouled will be given a chance to score a point.
20. A team consists of four (4) players. Male, female or co-ed teams.
21. A team may start with 3 players.
22. Game is 10 minutes, 1 minute- break, 10 minutes, 3- minute half time break, 10 minutes, 1 minute- break and final 10 minutes.
23. The perimeter lines are out of bounds.
24. Flip of the coin will start the game. The second half begins with the reversal of initial choice.
25. After catching a pass, the receiver may take only the fewest number of steps required to come to a stop and establish a pivot foot.
26. A goal is scored when an in-bounds player catches a pass in the end zone of attack.
27. The team with the most goals at the end of the game is declared the winner.
28. If the score is tied at the end of the game a 3-minute overtime period will be played. If no one has scored after the overtime, the game will be determined a tie.
29. Each team has 2-30 second time-outs per half
30. Time-out may be called only by the team in possession of the disc. No time outs during overtime.
31. Only one player may guard the thrower at any one time; that player is the “marker”
32. The marker cannot position his/her arms in such a manner as to restrict the thrower from pivoting.
33. Stall count: The period of time within which a thrower must release a throw:
a. A player in possession of the disc has 5 seconds to release a throw.
b. The marker must be within 5 feet of the person with the disc before beginning the stall count. (Counting is 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, etc.)
c. If the thrower has not released the disc by the count, a turnover results.
d. If the defense switches markers, the new marker must restart the count at one.