


District Resources



The objective of this area is to ensure that Instructional Materials adopted by the State Board of Education, which are supplied free by the State, are requisitioned and distributed to the schools according to the rules established by the State of Texas. (See Textbook Legal)

The student data base system will be used to compare the number of pupils assigned to each course or grade to the number of textbooks assigned. Excess textbooks over the maximum number allowed per school shall be returned so that they may be reissued to schools in need.

To expedite the processing of orders, please provide campus name, group code, grade level, title of the book, enrollment and quantity requested.

All orders must be signed and verified by the assigned campus textbook coordinator.

Angela Gonzalez, Textbook Clerk, ( / (956) 548-8375, Claudia Ramirez, Coordinator, ( (956) 548-8375

Out of Adoption

Textbooks in which the state contract has expired are considered out of adoption.

Out of adoption textbooks may be:
* Retained by the campus and used for reference, teaching aids, or library use.
* Donated to adult education programs and other non-profit organizations.
* Out of adoption textbooks may not be sold by school districts.
* Any out of adoption textbooks that a campus no longer wants will be returned to the Textbook Warehouse. These books will not be counted on your inventory.
* Please contact our office to schedule a pick up.

Note: Consumable textbooks are designed to be completely used and written in throughout the year. They are not required to be returned to the Textbook Warehouse.


Textbook Audits

TAC 66.107 Local Accountability states that each school district shall conduct an annual physical inventory of all currently adopted instructional materials that have been requisitioned by and delivered to, this district.

The Board policy states that the District shall conduct an annual physical inventory of all adoption textbooks and learning systems that have been requisitioned and delivered to the District. The results of the inventory shall be recorded in the District's files and be available for review by TEA monitoring staff. The District shall reimburse TEA for all textbooks and learning systems determined to be lost.

Campus Procedures
The Warehouse/Textbooks/Fixed Assets Department will conduct an annual physical inventory of all textbooks, learning systems, and teacher editions. This inventory will be coordinated with campus personnel to be completed during the month of June.

* Audit teams will conduct unannounced audits
* All books should be at ONE location
* A uniform method of stacking books should be followed: textbooks should be stacked by title and grade level when possible, in groups of 25 with 5 textbooks being turned in different directions (5 spines in, 5 out, etc.).
* The Campus Textbooks Custodian should conduct the physical inventory count documenting the counts on the inventory list.
* The audit team will arrive and conduct a separate count following the same process.
* The counts conducted by campus personnel and audit teams will be reconciled and verified by both the campus textbook custodian and audit team.
* Campus administration and audit teams will verify and agree to counts with each signing the inventory form.
* Should a balance be due, an invoice will be presented during the close out process at the Textbook Warehouse.
* A deadline for submittal of payment for lost, misplaced, or damaged textbooks will be announced.
* Please note that highlighted textbooks must be included in your inventory. After the audit, highlighted textbooks must be returned to the Content Mastery classroom.

Textbook Ordering Process

The following are factors that determine eligibility for ordering textbooks.

Textbooks are ordered based on membership (enrollment). If the membership increases in a grade or class, you may be entitled to order more textbooks. Textbooks are normally ordered mid-March for the next school year.

In elementary schools, it is necessary to re-order consumable books. A supplemental requisition is submitted in June to account for increased enrollment. In secondary schools, we require a mid-summer update, which includes an updated membership form and supplemental request for textbooks, if needed.

Campus Textbook Coordinator/Custodian must provide an actual enrollment when ordering books. Special Education students must be included in the membership of those grade or subject levels for which books are needed.

Three factors that determine the number of textbooks a campus or district is entitled:
The number of students enrolled in a grade and / or subject (enrollment count)
* grades K to 5th report the number of students enrolled in a grade
* grades 6th to 12th report the number of students enrolled in a subject

The allowable percentage determined by TEA above the campus' enrollment

The number of textbooks from the same multiple list already assigned to a campus or district based on the annual inventory.

The Ordering Process
* Campus Textbook Custodian will fill out a textbook requisition form when ordering books. The form must be filled out with as much information needed in order for it to be processed.
* The form maybe delivered or faxed to the Textbook Warehouse. Requisitions will be processed in the order in which they are received.
* The order will be delivered to the campus or the campus will be informed when order is ready to be picked up from the Textbook Warehouse. At that time, the Campus Textbook Coordinator/Custodian must verify the number of approved books, materials, etc. that were requested on the requisition form and sign for them. A Transfer Form will be provided for their records.
* Textbooks and instructional materials should be issued based on the number of students in each class.
*Campus Textbook Coordinator/Custodian is encouraged to keep a log of all charges/credits for their records. This will also be helpful in order to maintain an accurate inventory.