Operating Procedures
1. RTI/504
Brownsville ISD is following the Response to Intervention Model to address the needs of struggling students. Click on the following link for more information:
Instructions for RTI of Pre-K through 2nd grade students for Speech & Language Evaluation.
2. Referral Procedures
Special Education Referral Process
Proceso de Referencia de Educación Especial
Special Education Child Centered Educational Process
Receipt for A guide to the ARD Process
Procedural Safeguards (English)
Procedural Safeguards (Spanish)
A Guide to the ARD process (English)
A Guide to the ARD process (Spanish)
3. ARD Procedures
Required members of the ARD committee
Procedures for ARD with Parents who are non-English speakers
Policy for Audio or Video taping an ARD meeting
Decision Making Process in ARD meeting
Reaching Consensus at an ARD meeting
Addressing related and support services during an ARD meeting
Attendance at ARD meetings by parent advocates, attorneys, etc.
Addressing behavioral needs of special education students
Additional Suggestions (very difficult behavioral issues)
Procedures for discipline removals to BAC:
Administrative guidelines for BAC
Procedures for sending students in special education to BAC
BAC Packet Checklist for Placement
4. Responsibilities of the ARD Teacher
Responsibilities of the Special Education Lead Teacher
Yearly Responsibilities of the ARD Teacher
ARD meeting responsibilities of the Teacher
Appropriate use of the Brigance test
5. IEP and BIP
6. Lesson Plans
Madeline Hunter's seven elements of a good lesson design
Special Education grading policy
7. Services to Private School Students
Notification to Private Schools
8. Programming Guidelines
BISD Description of Special Education Services
Special Education related and support services
Criteria for placement of students with emotional and behavioral disorders in a BI classroom
Criteria for Consideration for Placement of Students in Lifeskills
Criteria for Consideration for Placement of a Student in a Structure for Life Unit
Criteria for Homebound Services
9. Critical Elements
Uses for critical elements documents
10. Transition
Transition Planning Questionnaire
Transition to High School/Graduation Plan
Continuum of Services Vocational/Career Preparation
11. Extended School Year
ESY Federal and State Requirements
12. Assistive Technology
Definition and legal requirements
Equipment tracking/training and utilization forms
13. Instructional and Related Services
APE - Physical Exercise Limitations - BISD Med
Procedures for Qualifying for Auditory Impairment
Procedures for Qualifying for Visual Impairment
State of Texas Interagency Eye Examination Report
Procedure-Request for Physical Therapy Assessment (Initial or Special Request)
Teacher Insight Form (Physical Therapy)
Procedure-Request for Occupational Therapy Assessment (Initial or Special Request)
Teacher Insight Form (Occupational Therapy)
Procedure for requesting Orientation and Mobility Services
Procedures - Request for Counseling Assessment
Procedures- Request Behavior Specialist
14. Psychological Evaluations
Procedures for Psychological Evaluations
15. Working with Paraprofessionals
The Role of the Paraprofessional
Paraprofessional duties and responsibilities
Tips for teachers who supervise paraprofessionals
16. End of Year Clearance Form
Special Education Teacher Clearance Form
17. Miscellaneous Forms
Special Education Eligibility Folders
Progress report sent/received list
SSR ARD Checklist
Information for Procedural Safeguards
Region One ESC
1900 W. Schunior
Edinburg, TX 78541
(956) 984-6299
Project TEAM
Amy Woolsey, Program Director
5005 W. 34th Street., Suite 207A
Houston, Texas 77092
713-524-2147 Office
713-942-7135 Fax
Toll free: 877-832-8945
E-mail: prnteam@sbcglobal.net