


District Resources


Roni Louise Rentfro, Ed. D., is the District Coordinator of School Improvement and the District Champion for Student Learning Objectives. The Office of School Improvement is a component of the BISD Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Department under the Guidance of the BISD Chief Academic Officer. As DCSI, Dr. Rentfro serves as the district chair for the Results Driven Accountability (RDA) District Leadership Team (DLT). She is also a required member, along with the principal's supervisor, as the Campus Intervention Team (CIT) to support the Effective School Framework (ESF) continuous improvement process for campuses identified for TEA State Accountability as Domain D or TEA Federal Accountability as Targeted Schools or Additional Targeted Schools. In addition, Dr. Rentfro is one of the facilitators for the District Education Improvement Council (DEIC). 

The Office of School Improvement:

  • Provides leadership in the development, implementation, and evaluation for all school improvement required Targeted Improvement Plans.
  • Provides leadership in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the District Improvement Plan and all 54 Campus Improvement Plans including training Deans and SBDMs on the reviewing and revising processes.
  • Provides training in collaboration with Professional Development for new Site-based Decision-Making committee members.
  • Provides training for new teachers and appraisers as well as updates in collaboration with the Human Resources Department for T-TESS including Goal Setting and Student Growth using Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) and for T-PESS for administrators.
  • Provides leadership in developing and and training for the use and analysis of the Curriculum and Instruction teacher walkthrough feedback and campus visitations.
  • Provides leadership in the training and analysis of the Eduphoria Strive for Goal Setting, T-TESS, SLOs, T-PESS, and related functions including set up and calibration reporting.

The Office of School Improvement administrator also serves on a variety of district, regional and state committees including:

  • BISD Teacher Incentive Allotment Committees for Cohort A and Cohort D
  • BISD Early College High School Leadership Cabinet
  • BISD P-TECH Leadership Cabinet
  • BISD ESSA Equity Plan Committee
  • Rio Grande Valley Regional Science and Engineering Fair
  • South Border Bridge Destination Imagination
  • Texas Effective Schools Framework Facilitator