


District Resources

School Improvement

The Effective Schools Framework

At the core of effective schools is effective instruction: interactions between students, teachers, and content determine learning outcomes. This instructional core is strengthened and supported by effective, well-supported teachers, high-quality curriculum, and positive school culture. Strong school leadership and careful planning encompass and ensure each of these levers.

The Effective Schools Framework consists of a set of district commitments and, for schools, essential actions. District Commitments describe what local education agencies do to ensure that schools are set up for success. The Essential Actions describe what the most effective schools do to support powerful teaching and learning.

The ESF Framework has been updated to a new version known as the ESF 3.0 which is now available at the Texas ESF website.


Campus Improvement Planning 

Campuses must address areas for improvement in their Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) as well as including district initiatives and required activities for funds received from state and federal sources.

Reach the Plan4Learning website to access your plan.


Targeted Improvement Planning for Schools in Improvement

Campuses must address areas for improvement in their Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) if they have been identified for Texas State or federal accountability. Schools in improvement based on 2022 accountability and links to their approved TIPs can be found on this page for 2022-2023.

BISD's Targeted and Additional Targeted campuses were awarded a competitive 1003 ESF-Focused Grant for over $1.5 million dollars to accelerate improvement in academics, especially for sub-populations in the Domain 3 accountability. This funding is providing the resources to bring in external Vetted Improvement Providers (VIPs) to support campuses in implementing their Targeted Improvement Plans for the next two years ending September 30, 2023.

Campuses participating in the grant activities include the following:

  • Additional Targeted Year One (exited for 2022):
    • Palm Grove Elementary*
  • Targeted Schools:
    • Aiken Elementary*
    • Cromack Elementary*
    • Skinner Elementary* (exited for 2022)
    • Vermillion Elementary* (exited for 2022)
    • Besteiro Middle School*
    • Garcia Middle School** (exited for 2022)
    • Lucio Middle School**
    • Stell Middle School**
  • Feeder Pattern campuses participating in the grant:
    • Garza Elementary*
    • Russell Elementary**
    • Lopez ECHS*

* VIP is Instruction Partners

** VIP is E3Alliance