


District Resources

School Improvement

Administration Building
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires a District Leadership Team to address areas supported by academic support programs that have overall performance levels greater than zero led by the District Coordinator of School Improvement. BISD's Bilingual, Other Special Populations (Homeless, Foster Care, and Military Connected Programs), and Special Education programs are at overall Performance levels of 1 for the 2023 Results Driven Accountability which is for district Federal Accountability. 

BISD has no campuses currently identified for Texas state accountability interventions as "Domain D or F" for their performance under the Closing the Gaps domain. There are 2 campuses identified for TEA Federal Accountability with both campuses identified for Targeted Support: Aiken Elementary and Brite Elementary.
Aiken Elementary and Besteiro Middle School are both participating in the 1003 ESF-Focused Grant for 2023-2025 so they will both be treated as Targeted Support (TS) schools even though Besteiro MS is no longer identified as of August 2023. Garcia Middle School, Stell Middle School, and Cromack Elementary also exited Targeted Support as of August 2023.
​Resources and plans can be found at this location for ESF and Campus Improvement Planning.


Dr. Roni Rentfro, Director for the Office of School Improvement 
Address | 1900 E. Price Road, Suite206C , Brownsville, Texas 78521
Phone | (956) 547-3590 Fax | (956) 714-6161