Contract Methodology
- All contracts that exceed $50,000 in the aggregate of one fiscal year period (July 01 to June 30) are released for competition among interested suppliers using one of the several bidding methods authorized by the State of Texas. Bid openings are held in public or in video conferencing using the Microsoft TEAMS platform.
- Opened bids are reviewed by the Purchasing Department and the originating department, and a recommendation for award is made based on the criteria established by the State of Texas and based on requirements specifically enumerated in the bid documents.
- Contract recommendations are then recommend by BISD leadership to the BISD Board of Trustees at their monthly meeting, which are held on the first Tuesday of each month. Additionally, the Board meetings are open to the pubic at 1900 East Price Road, Brownsville, Texas, or can be view at our Instructional TV Studio (KBSD) live stream website or on our YouTube channel.
- If the required needed items or services are under $10,000 to $49,000 and not under bid contracts, the District will then utilized a quoting process to encourage competition or use one of the cooperatives approved by the BISD Trustees.