Doing Business with BISD
Hi potential supplier,
Thank you for considering doing business with BISD. The Brownsville ISD Purchasing Office uses an online electronic procurement system call "IONWAVE." This electronic procurement system allows the Purchasing Office to maintain accurate information about registered suppliers and the goods and/or services they market to the District. The system will automatically notify all suppliers of bid opportunities that are relevant to their business and it allows interested suppliers to electronically submit their bids to the Purchasing Office for evaluation.
If you wish to be considered for electronic notification of bid opportunities that meet your company's profile and expertise, please register online for the services. There is no charge to register.
Additionally, if you have questions or need help, the following Senior Buyers are available to help you:
Mrs. Connie Alvear, CTSBS
Area: Operations, and Construction Supplies and Services
Mrs. Sandy Hernandez
Area: Extracurricular Supplies and Services and Technology
Mrs. Marisela Ayala, CTSBS
Area: Educational and Child Nutrition Supplies and Services and Security