


District Resources

Emergency Management

Should an emergency or disaster occur in our area while school is in session, we want you to be aware that BISD schools have prepared to respond in an effective and timely manner to such incidents. In case of a minor emergency or disaster during school hours your children will be cared for at school. BISD campuses have a detailed Emergency Operation Plan; school staff and students are receiving training to respond to incidents regardless of type, size or complexity. Your cooperation is necessary in any emergency. In this brochure you will find guidelines for parents to remember in the event of school evacuation, lockdown and shelter-in-place:


Parent Emergency Procedure Brochure

Texas Schools, Bullying, and the Law

Bullying, including cyberbullying, is at the top of the list of concerns for many parents and educators. In 2011, Texas House Bill 1942 was passed to address how schools must make their campuses safer for all students specifically regarding the issues of bullying and cyberbullying. The Texas School Safety Center has created a short video that explains Texas HB 1942 in simple terms that administrators, teachers, and parents can easily understand. Please feel free to contact the Texas School Safety Center at Texas State University- San Marco with any questions or requests for additional resources, including training on bullying and cyberbullying. Bullying Prevention Flowchart

The Bullying Prevention Flowchart is a tool deigned to help you ask the right questions when trying to determine if a student's conduct can be considered bullying according to the legal definition cited in Texas Education Code, Section 37.0832 (a). This flowchart is not definitive yet serves as a guideline during your efforts in identifying bullying behavior and perhaps creating a definition for bullying in your school district.

Bullying continues to be a very hot topic and we are constantly asked for materials and resources that are available to deal with it. The National Association of School Psychologist has a concise, well documented, and timely publication entitles "A Framework for School-Wide Bully Prevention and Safety" that is very beneficial to school districts.

Bullying can affect you in many ways. This website presents a wide range of strategies for reducing both mean behavior toward students and reducing the harm that mean actions can do.