


District Resources


All Evaluations for Certified and Classified Personnel are to uploaded into TalentED by May 29, 2024

Cover Sheets

Welcome to our new section of fillable evaluations and job descriptions. All evaluations are on EXCEL 97 or later and are placed by workbooks, each workbook contains all evaluations from that level.
Please note that at the bottom of each workbook, you'll find individual tabs for each earn code that pertain to all positions within the pay grade. (The workbook might need to be restored/maximized if it opens in a small window.)
Please use the links below for reference as to what Job Evaluations you need to access

Classified Job Description/Evaluations


There are no resources or collections to display

Certified Job Description/Evaluations

Educator Job Description

Please remember that all Middle School Athletic and High School Technology Teachers are to be evaluated using T-TESS which include an SLO.