


District Resources


Graduation Toolkit

The 2020 Grad Toolkit (PDF, 1MB) provides details about the Foundation High School Program, benefits and explanation of the Distinguished Level of achievement option, endorsement choices, checklists and resources.

El Manual de Herramientas 2020 para graduarse ofrece información detallada acerca del Programa Básico/Fundamental, de los beneficios y explicaciones de la opción del Nivel de Desempeño Destacado, de la elección de especialidades, de las listas de verificación y de distintos recursos disponibles.

Required Forms

The following required forms are provided for district use.

Endorsement Opt-Out Agreement (PDF, 59KB) Updated April 21 2020

Endorsement Opt-Out Agreement_SPANISH (PDF, 59KB) Updated April 21 2020

If the parent and/or administrator electronic signature fields for the opt-out agreements provided above are not visible in your internet browser, download and reopen the form on your device. Firefox is the internet browser recommended for best results.

Locally Developed Course/Activity District Form (§28.002(g-1)) (PDF, 651KB)

Instructions for Locally Developed Course/Activity District Form (§28.002(g-1)) (PDF, 651KB)

The Institution of Higher Education-Endorsed Course Registration Form required to register courses offered pursuant to TEC, §28.025(b-5), is available by request submitted to