


District Resources


Technology Integration Classes

These courses include GT credit if taken in a 3 hour block.  All courses include Technology and CPE credit.

Office 365 |  3 hours
Office 365  is a subscription-based online office suite which offers access to various services and software built around the Microsoft Office platform. BISD currently subscribes to this service. This training will focus on the basics of Office 365 for Business, including the online versions of PowerPoint, Exel and Word, One Drive cloud storage, document sharing and creation.

I have a Smart Board, Now what |  3 Hours

This training will focus on SMART Board basics. Ideas for use in the classroom and SMART Board resources will be provided.

Cool Online Tools | 3 Hours

Participants will learn about various online tools for teaching and classroom management.

Impress with Prezi | 3 Hours

This technology integration session will focus on Prezi presentation software basics.  Prezi is an interactive cloud-based presentation software that allows you to create zoomable presentations in a creative and fun way.

Photo Story | 3 hours

Participants will learn the basic features of Photo Story III.

PowerPoint | 3 Hours

This Course will focus on PowerPoint basics.

Audacious Photo Story | 3 Hours

Create a slideshow using Audacity and Photo Story to enhance student learning and help integrate technology into the 21st Century classroom.  Both are free Programs.

IPads in the Classroom | 3 Hours

This session will introduce iPad setup and applications for use in the K-12 classroom.

QR Codes in the Classroom | 3 Hours

Curious about QR (Quick Response) codes? In this course you will learn how to use these little square codes found in magazines, stores and other advertisements for teaching and learning. Engage your students and learn how to create QR codes that can be linked to student projects and other media in a fun and interactive way.

Introduction to Discovery Education Streaming | 3 Hours
Come and discover this powerful online video-on-demand teaching service that is correlated to the state K-12 curriculum standards and features up to 7,700 full length videos and video clips as well as images, audio files, lesson plans, a quiz builder, assignment builder, writing prompts and more.

 Podcasting Basics | 3 Hours

Learn everything you need to know about creating a free and simple podcast using freeware.

Digital Storytelling | 3 Hours

Participants will learn how work with images, audio, transitions, and the use of a microphone to create a digital story using Photo Story 3.

Nearpod - Mobile Devices Presentation Tool | 3 Hours

Learn everything you need to know about creating a free and simple podcast using freeware.
Bring focus to your classroom with mobile devices and liven up your presentations through the Nearpod online presentation tool. Nearpod allows you to use any web-enabled device to present to up to 20 additional web-enabled devices including computers, iPads, Kindles, and android devices.

Movie Maker

Participants will learn the basic features movie making using free Microsoft movie making software.

Digital Imaging with iPads and Tablets

This session will focus on the use of the iPad (and android tablets) with a variety of apps to: capture, edit and organize digital images.

 Edmodo in the Classroom

Edmodo helps you and your students get connected and stay organized in an online environment.  This session will focus on Edmodo basics and its use in the classroom to support instruction and learning


Teacher Tools

These course provide CPE and Technology credit only

Teacher Access Center | 45 Minutes
Teacher Access Center is the grade book/attendance program for the district.

Office 365 |  45 minutes
Office 365  is a subscription-based online office suite which offers access to various services and software built around the Microsoft Office platform. BISD currently subscribes to this service. This is a short introduction to the online software.

Data Tools

These course provide CPE and Technology credit only
This is an introduction to the Excel spreadsheet software.  The current version will will be implemented in the training