


District Resources

Teacher Resources

Texas CTE Resource Center

Texas CTE is a valuable resource site for CTE teachers to visit. It provides CTE professional development, instructional materials, and information about CTE programs of study. Please, visit this site, if you need additional support and resources to enhance your teaching experience.

CTE teachers will be able to access hundreds of career videos organized by the 16 Career Clusters, or related types of work; please, click on the link and share with your students. CareerOneStop (this site is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor; it is a great online resource for career exploration, training, and jobs).

Region One ESC




Professional Development opportunities include:
- Communicating with Students
- Digital Classroom Management Tools
- Digital Classroom Formative Assessment Tools
- Digital Classroom Productivity Tools
- Communicating with Parents and Educators
- Activities for the Online Classroom
- And more!


Remote Learning Platforms

 ACTE Online Learning Network (please, visit ACTE to learn how to design and deliver online instruction – this is available to teachers free until May 1, 2020).

Zoom (if you are new to Zoom, please, click on Getting Started – this link will help teachers most effectively use Zoom by offering valuable resources, including video tutorials).

Microsoft Teams (if you are new to β€‹Microsoft Teams, please, click on Get Started – this link will provide you with a short video on how to get started).

Google Classroom (for Google Classroom support, please, click on Classroom Help – this link will help you set up distance learning for your students).

Google Hangouts

Apple Teacher (if you are new to Apple Teacherplease click on Apple Teacher Learning Center – this link will help you discover great learning resources and learn new skills to become an Apple Teacher).

Canvas (if you are new to Canvas, please, click on Tips for Using Canvas During a School Closure – this link will provide tips for teachers to connect with their students anytime, anywhere).

ClassDojo (if you are new to ClassDojo, please, click on Remote Learning​ on ClassDojo – this link contains resources for teachers, school leaders, and parents; it also provides a 4-minute video to get you started).

Remind (if you are new to Remind, please, click on Using Remind for Remote Learning – this link provides some tips for using your free teacher account to support online instruction).

Nearpod (if you are new to Nearpod, please, click on Using Technology in the Classroom with Nearpod – this link provides ways to spend less time planning and more time teaching).

Seesaw (if you are new to Seesaw, please, click on Remote Learning with Seesaw – this link guides teachers by helping them create a supportive remote learning environment for their students).

Microsoft Certified Educator (on this site, teachers can learn and explore with training and resources).
Google Teacher Certification (on this site, teachers can obtain free online training for the classroom).