Required Postings
Periodically school districts, along with other public entities, are required by local, state or federal agencies and boards to post reports, ratings, and other documents. Use this page to download documents (PDF) or access links (html) to the appropriate BISD web pages to find this mandatory information.
- Assessment, Accountability & Analysis
- District Improvement Plan
- District of Innovation
- Campus Improvement Plans
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements and Forms
- Disclaimer
- District’s Title IX Coordinator(s):
- Employee Compensation Plan by School Year
- Federal Funds
- Financial Transparancy
- Parental Rights, Responsibilities and Involvement (Working Together) ESSA Statement
- Public Information Requests
- Public Notice For Public Comment (ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant)
- Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs
- School Board Elections
- School Improvement
- Strategic Action Plan
- Superintendent Contract
Assessment, Accountability & Analysis
2023-2024 Online Reports
- 2023-24 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
- 2023-24 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) All Campuses
- 2023-24 Federal Report Card Brownsville ISD
2022-2023 Online Reports
- 2022-23 Federal Report Cards
- 2022-23 School Report Cards (Not Yet Released)
- TAPR Public Hearing 2023
- 2022-23 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) District
- TAPR Glossary
2021-2022 Online Reports
- 2021-22 Federal Report Cards
- 2021-22 School Report Cards
- 2021-22 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) District
- TAPR Glossary
2020-2021 Online Reports
- 2022 Accountability Ratings Overall Summary
- 2020-2021 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
- 2022 School Report Card
- 2020-2021 Federal Report Card
2020-2021 PDF Reports and Required Documents
District Improvement Plan
Under provisions of the Texas education code, every school district is required to develop a district plan to improve student performance. BISD utilizes a collaborative planning process including community and staff input to develop the district’s education plan. District and campus plans are developed annually to be mutually supportive of the state goals and objectives under Education Code, Chapter 4.
- 2024-2025 District Improvement Plan
- 2023 - 2024 District Improvement Plan (03-06-2024)
- 2022-2023 District Improvement Plan with Policies (reposted 7-28-2023)
- 2021-2022 District Improvement Plan
- 2020-2021 District Improvement Plan
- 2019-2020 District Improvement Plan
District of Innovation
Campus Improvement Plans
Campus Improvement Plans
Texas Education Code 11.253 (c) requires that each school year, the principal of each school campus, with the assistance of the campus-level committee, shall develop, review, and revise the campus improvement plan for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations with respect to the student achievement indicators and any other appropriate performance measures for special needs populations.
BQ (LEGAL) states the Board shall ensure that a district improvement plan and improvement plans for each campus are developed, reviewed, and revised annually for the purpose of improving the performance of all students. The Board shall annually approve district and campus performance objectives that support the state goals and objectives under Texas Education Code Chapter 4.
Campus Improvement Plan Goals and Performance Objectives were approved by the BISD Board of Trustees on November 14, 2023.
2024-2025 Campus Improvement Plans
2023-2024 Campus Improvement Plans
2022-2023 Campus Improvement Plans
2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plans
2020-2021 Campus Improvement Plans
2019-2020 Campus Improvement Plans
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements and Forms
Chapter 176, Local Government Code
At its November 30, 2015, meeting, the Texas Ethics Commission adopted amendments to Forms CIS and CIQ, that had been previously adopted on August 7, 2015. The Commission adopted these forms as required by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session, which became effective September 1, 2015. Please note that the commission does NOT have jurisdiction to interpret or enforce Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code. Prior to H.B. 23, the Office of the Attorney General issued the following advisory opinion: Opinion No. GA-0446. Also, please note that these forms are NOT filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
- Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement (FORM CIS)
- Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (FORM CIQ)
2022 School Board Conflict of Interest
2021 School Board Elections Conflict of Interest
BISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability or genetic information in employment or provision of services, programs or activities
BISD no discrimina de acuerdo a raza, color, origen nacional, género, religión, edad, información genética, o incapacidad en el empleo o la disposición de servicios, programas o actividades.
Policy DC (Local) Brownville ISD is an equal employment opportunity employer, however, when applicants are equally qualified for a position, veterans retiring and/or exiting from military service who are honorably discharged shall be extended a hiring preference.
District’s Title IX Coordinator(s):
Contact information for the district’s Title IX Coordinator(s); Dr. Linda Gallegos, Chief Human Resources Officer.
The district’s non-discrimination policy; DIA (Local) and FFH (Local)
Training materials used to train the district’s Title IX personnel. Brownsville ISD’s Title IX administrators have attended Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Muñoz P.C.’s “New Title IX Rules and Regulations” series. Materials from this series in compliance with Section 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the regulations can be found here:
BISD’s Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Linda Gallegos, Chief Human Resources Officer. The district’s non-discrimination policy; DIA (Local) and FFH (Local) Training materials used to train the district’s Title IX personnel. Brownsville ISD’s Title IX administrators have attended Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Muñoz P.C.’s “New Title IX Rules and Regulations” series. Materials from this series in compliance with Section 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the regulations can be found here: New Title IX Rules and Regulations Materials
Employee Compensation Plan by School Year
Federal Funds
Financial Transparancy
Parental Rights, Responsibilities and Involvement (Working Together) ESSA Statement
Both experience and research tell us that a child’s education succeeds best when there is a strong partnership between home and school, a partnership that thrives on communication. Your involvement in this partnership may include:
- Encouraging your child to place a high priority on education and working with your child on a daily basis to make the most of the educational opportunities the school provides. Ensure that your child completes all homework assignments and special projects. Be sure your child comes to school each day prepared, rested, and ready to learn.
- Becoming familiar with all of your child’s school activities and with the academic programs, including special programs, offered in the District. Discuss with the counselor or principal any questions you may have about the options and opportunities available to your child. If your child is entering the ninth grade, review the requirements of the graduation programs with your child. Monitor your child’s academic progress and contact teachers as needed.
- Attending scheduled conferences and requesting additional conferences as needed. To schedule a telephone or in person conference with a teacher, counselor, or principal, please call the school office for an appointment. The teacher will return your call or meet with you during his or her conference period or before or after school.
- Becoming a school volunteer.
- Participating in campus parent organizations such as PTA, PTO, Boosters Club, etc.
- Offering to serve as a parent representative on the district-level or campus-level planning committees assisting in the development of educational goals and plans to improve student achievement.
As a parent, you also have a right:
- To request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teachers, including whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides Instruction, whether the teacher has an emergency permit or other provisional status for which state requirements have been waived, and undergraduate and graduate degree majors, graduate certifications, and the field of study of the certification or degree. You also have the right to request information about the qualifications of any paraprofessional, who may provide services to your child.
- To review teaching materials, textbooks, and other teaching aids and instructional materials used in the curriculum and to examine tests administered to your child.
- To inspect a survey created by a third party before the survey is administered or distributed to your child.
Education succeeds best when there is a strong partnership between home and school. BISD asks parents and guardians to encourage their children to place a high priority on their education and to commit themselves to making the most of the educational opportunities the schools provide. Therefore, each year a specific date is designated as Parental Involvement Week in the Brownsville Independent School District. Parental involvement can include staying informed about school activities and issues, becoming a school volunteer, participating in campus organizations for parents, and monitoring student progress. All parents are urged to schedule parent-teacher conferences during the school year. Parents are especially encouraged to attend their respective campus parent meetings and Fall/Spring Open House. Parents, who have questions or concerns about classroom activities, teacher expectations, or the subjects or courses their children are taking, particularly lessons or activities in which they are involved, should first contact the classroom teacher and the campus principal. Questions or concerns about campus activities should be brought immediately to the attention of the principal. Matters, which cannot be resolved at the campus level, may be brought to the attention of other appropriate administrators, following the appropriate chain of command.
Public Information Requests
Public Information
The Brownsville Independent School District, as a local governmental entity, is subject to the requirements of the Texas Public Information Act.
All requests must be submitted in writing or e-mail and should contain your:
- Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- Email, if available, and/or fax, if available
- Description of the information and/or document being requested.
By Mail:
Brownsville Independent School District
Attention: Public Information Office
1900 E. Price Road, Suite #101
Brownsville, Texas 78521
By Fax:
(956) 574-6497
Subject heading should read “Public Information Request” or “Open Records Request”
By Email:
Subject heading should read “Public Information Request” or “Open Records Request”
In Person:
BISD Administration Building
Public Information Office
1900 E. Price Road, Suite #101
Brownsville, Texas 78520
Request For Records
Public Notice For Public Comment (ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant)
In accordance with United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306, “any applicant, other than a state a state educational agency that submits a plan or application under this chapter or act, shall have on file with the state educational agency a single set of assurances, applicable to each program for which a plan or application is submitted.
Assurance #7. Before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment.
Please submit any comment for the ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Please submit any comment for the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Please submit any comment for the Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
De conformidad con el Código de Estados Unidos (USC) Anotado, Título 20, Capítulo 70, Subcapítulo IX, Parte C, Sección 7846 y la Ley Pública (P.L.) 114-95, Ley para el Éxito de Cada Estudiante (ESSA por sus siglas en inglés), Sección 8306, "cualquier solicitante, que no sea una agencia educativa del estado que envíe un plan o una solicitud bajo este capítulo o ley, tendrá que archivar un conjunto único de garantías ante la Agencia Estatal de Educación, aplicable a cada uno de los programas para los que se haya presentado un plan o una solicitud.
Garantía #7. Antes de la solicitud sea enviada, el solicitante debe ofrecer una oportunidad razonable para comentarios del público sobre la solicitud y considerar tales comentarios.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application o llámenos al Tel. # Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a Special Education Consolidated Grant Application or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
The following new Texas Education Agency Correspondence has been posted at the TEA website:
2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application |
In accordance with United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306, “any applicant, other than a state a state educational agency that submits a plan or application under this chapter or act, shall have on file with the state educational agency a single set of assurances, applicable to each program for which a plan or application is submitted.
Assurance #7. Before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment.
Please submit any comment for the ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Please submit any comment for the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Please submit any comment for the Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
De conformidad con el Código de Estados Unidos (USC) Anotado, Título 20, Capítulo 70, Subcapítulo IX, Parte C, Sección 7846 y la Ley Pública (P.L.) 114-95, Ley para el Éxito de Cada Estudiante (ESSA por sus siglas en inglés), Sección 8306, "cualquier solicitante, que no sea una agencia educativa del estado que envíe un plan o una solicitud bajo este capítulo o ley, tendrá que archivar un conjunto único de garantías ante la Agencia Estatal de Educación, aplicable a cada uno de los programas para los que se haya presentado un plan o una solicitud.
Garantía #7. Antes de la solicitud sea enviada, el solicitante debe ofrecer una oportunidad razonable para comentarios del público sobre la solicitud y considerar tales comentarios.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application o llámenos al Tel. # Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a Special Education Consolidated Grant Application or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
The following new Texas Education Agency Correspondence has been posted at the TEA website:
2023-2024 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application |
In accordance with United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306, “any applicant, other than a state a state educational agency that submits a plan or application under this chapter or act, shall have on file with the state educational agency a single set of assurances, applicable to each program for which a plan or application is submitted.
Assurance #7. Before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment.
Please submit any comment for the ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Please submit any comment for the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Please submit any comment for the Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
De conformidad con el Código de Estados Unidos (USC) Anotado, Título 20, Capítulo 70, Subcapítulo IX, Parte C, Sección 7846 y la Ley Pública (P.L.) 114-95, Ley para el Éxito de Cada Estudiante (ESSA por sus siglas en inglés), Sección 8306, "cualquier solicitante, que no sea una agencia educativa del estado que envíe un plan o una solicitud bajo este capítulo o ley, tendrá que archivar un conjunto único de garantías ante la Agencia Estatal de Educación, aplicable a cada uno de los programas para los que se haya presentado un plan o una solicitud.
Garantía #7. Antes de la solicitud sea enviada, el solicitante debe ofrecer una oportunidad razonable para comentarios del público sobre la solicitud y considerar tales comentarios.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application o llámenos al Tel. # Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a Special Education Consolidated Grant Application or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
The following new Texas Education Agency Correspondence has been posted at the TEA website:
2022-2023 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application |
In accordance with United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306, “any applicant, other than a state a state educational agency that submits a plan or application under this chapter or act, shall have on file with the state educational agency a single set of assurances, applicable to each program for which a plan or application is submitted.
Assurance #7. Before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment.
Please submit any comment for the ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Please submit any comment for the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Please submit any comment for the Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
De conformidad con el Código de Estados Unidos (USC) Anotado, Título 20, Capítulo 70, Subcapítulo IX, Parte C, Sección 7846 y la Ley Pública (P.L.) 114-95, Ley para el Éxito de Cada Estudiante (ESSA por sus siglas en inglés), Sección 8306, "cualquier solicitante, que no sea una agencia educativa del estado que envíe un plan o una solicitud bajo este capítulo o ley, tendrá que archivar un conjunto único de garantías ante la Agencia Estatal de Educación, aplicable a cada uno de los programas para los que se haya presentado un plan o una solicitud.
Garantía #7. Antes de la solicitud sea enviada, el solicitante debe ofrecer una oportunidad razonable para comentarios del público sobre la solicitud y considerar tales comentarios.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application o llámenos al Tel. # Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a Special Education Consolidated Grant Application or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
The following new Texas Education Agency Correspondence has been posted at the TEA website:
2021-2022 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application |
In accordance with United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306, “any applicant, other than a state a state educational agency that submits a plan or application under this chapter or act, shall have on file with the state educational agency a single set of assurances, applicable to each program for which a plan or application is submitted.
Assurance #7. Before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment.
Please submit any comment for the ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Please submit any comment for the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8400
Please submit any comment for the Carl Perkins Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8217
De conformidad con el Código de Estados Unidos (USC) Anotado, Título 20, Capítulo 70, Subcapítulo IX, Parte C, Sección 7846 y la Ley Pública (P.L.) 114-95, Ley para el Éxito de Cada Estudiante (ESSA por sus siglas en inglés), Sección 8306, "cualquier solicitante, que no sea una agencia educativa del estado que envíe un plan o una solicitud bajo este capítulo o ley, tendrá que archivar un conjunto único de garantías ante la Agencia Estatal de Educación, aplicable a cada uno de los programas para los que se haya presentado un plan o una solicitud.
Garantía #7. Antes de la solicitud sea enviada, el solicitante debe ofrecer una oportunidad razonable para comentarios del público sobre la solicitud y considerar tales comentarios.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a o llámenos al Tel. # (956) 123-4567
The following new Texas Education Agency Correspondence has been posted at the TEA website:
2020-07-02 Required Annual Notification of Nondiscrimination Special Populations
2020-07-02 Updated Data Feed Schedule L-1 School Finance
2020-07-02 Updates to Program Intent Codes School Finance
2020-2021 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application • 2020-2021 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application – Current |
2020-2021 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application • PS3502-Private Nonprofit Schools Participation • PS3400-Equitable Access and Participation • GS2100-Application Information • BS6006 Program Budget Summary and Support |
2020-2021 Title I, Part C Carl D Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Grant Application • CTE-Carl-D-Perkins-e-Grant |
2020-2021 ESSA Solicitud Consolidada de Subsidio Federal |
2020-2021 Solicitud Consolidada de Subsidio para Educación Especial |
2020-2021 Solicitud de Subsidio Título I, Parte C Carl D Perkins de la Ley de Carrera y Educación Técnica |
In accordance with United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306, “any applicant, other than a state a state educational agency that submits a plan or application under this chapter or act, shall have on file with the state educational agency a single set of assurances, applicable to each program for which a plan or application is submitted.
Assurance #7. Before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment.
Please submit any comment for the 2018-2019 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Please submit any comment for the 2018-2019 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137,
Please submit any comment for the 2018-2019 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8251
De conformidad con el Código de Estados Unidos (USC) Anotado, Título 20, Capítulo 70, Subcapítulo IX, Parte C, Sección 7846 y la Ley Pública (P.L.) 114-95, Ley para el Éxito de Cada Estudiante (ESSA por sus siglas en inglés), Sección 8306, "cualquier solicitante, que no sea una agencia educativa del estado que envíe un plan o una solicitud bajo este capítulo o ley, tendrá que archivar un conjunto único de garantías ante la Agencia Estatal de Educación, aplicable a cada uno de los programas para los que se haya presentado un plan o una solicitud.
Garantía #7. Antes de la solicitud sea enviada, el solicitante debe ofrecer una oportunidad razonable para comentarios del público sobre la solicitud y considerar tales comentarios.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a o llámenos al Tel. # (956) 123-4567
2019-2020 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application • 2019-2020 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application – Current |
2019-2020 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application • PS3502-Private Nonprofit Schools Participation • PS3400-Equitable Access and Participation • GS2100-Application Information • BS6006 Program Budget Summary and Support |
2018-2019 Title I, Part C Carl D Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Grant Application • CTE-Carl-D-Perkins-e-Grant |
2018-2019 ESSA Solicitud Consolidada de Subsidio Federal |
2018-2019 Solicitud Consolidada de Subsidio para Educación Especial |
2018-2019 Solicitud de Subsidio Título I, Parte C Carl D Perkins de la Ley de Carrera y Educación Técnica |
In accordance with United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306, “any applicant, other than a state a state educational agency that submits a plan or application under this chapter or act, shall have on file with the state educational agency a single set of assurances, applicable to each program for which a plan or application is submitted.
Assurance #7. Before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment.
Please submit any comment for the 2018-2019 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137, Phone: (956) 548-8231.
Please submit any comment for the 2018-2019 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8137,
Please submit any comment for the 2018-2019 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application to or call, Phone: (956) 548-8251
De conformidad con el Código de Estados Unidos (USC) Anotado, Título 20, Capítulo 70, Subcapítulo IX, Parte C, Sección 7846 y la Ley Pública (P.L.) 114-95, Ley para el Éxito de Cada Estudiante (ESSA por sus siglas en inglés), Sección 8306, "cualquier solicitante, que no sea una agencia educativa del estado que envíe un plan o una solicitud bajo este capítulo o ley, tendrá que archivar un conjunto único de garantías ante la Agencia Estatal de Educación, aplicable a cada uno de los programas para los que se haya presentado un plan o una solicitud.
Garantía #7. Antes de la solicitud sea enviada, el solicitante debe ofrecer una oportunidad razonable para comentarios del público sobre la solicitud y considerar tales comentarios.
Favor de enviar cualquier comentario a o llámenos al Tel. # (956) 123-4567
2018-2019 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application • 2018-2019 ESSA Consolidated Application |
2018-2019 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application • PS3502-Private Nonprofit Schools Participation • PS3400-Equitable Access and Participation • GS2100-Application Information • BS6006 Program Budget Summary and Support |
2018-2019 Title I, Part C Carl D Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Grant Application • CTE-Carl-D-Perkins-e-Grant |
2018-2019 ESSA Solicitud Consolidada de Subsidio Federal |
2018-2019 Solicitud Consolidada de Subsidio para Educación Especial |
2018-2019 Solicitud de Subsidio Título I, Parte C Carl D Perkins de la Ley de Carrera y Educación Técnica |
Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs
School Board Elections
School Improvement
The Brownsville ISD Board of Trustees will hold a Public Hearing for the 2022 State Accountability System for BISD campuses identified by the Texas Education Agency for 2022 Targeted Support and for campuses that exited this identification but are current participants in the BISD TEA 2021-2023 Title I, ESF-Focused Support Grant.
A public hearing is required to discuss the campus performance, campus goals and interventions, and solicit input for the Targeted Improvement Plan for each campus. The Public Hearing will occur during the Rescheduled Regular Board Meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 5:30 PM, in the Boardroom of the BISD Administration Building located at 1900 E. Price Road.
Parents, community members, and other interested persons are invited to attend.